Monthly Archives: January 2010


Thank you all so much for your comments to my previous post; it is so nice to know that there are people out there who are on my side, so to speak!

Sandy is better……. much, much better!

I marvel at this dog and his ability to survive everything. Hunting on the internet for info about dogs and strokes I learned that dogs’ brains are far better at recovering from strokes than our human ones. However – this dog is 14, he has a big lump in his stomach that the vet seems pretty sure is cancerous and he is really supposed to be dead by now. No matter how good dog’s brains are at repearing themselves after a stroke, would you expect a dog that is just about to die anyway to be able to survive this? Last Sunday, we thought he was a gonna, for sure – now he is trotting off down the garden as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.

I did tell you though that Sandy is a Magic Mystery and he is truly living up to his name.


A very desperate Seeker logs in today, after another long absence.

Life has not gone as expected…….. hubby was due to retire at the turn of the year, but has not in fact been back to work since mid October. He developed a prolapsed disk in his back and has been seeing an osteopath who was at first very worried about him and thought he would have to have an operation. Luckily though, the back has very slowly been improving. Hubby was unable to drive for ages (although he has recently managed some short journeys). For a long while, he was even unable to sit down for more than a few minutes.

Our son is still harbouring hopes concerning the Russian girl and had a holiday in Egypt with her at new year, despite having already got himself into debt over the previous holiday in Turkey. So that is a worry. Daughter is even more of a worry, as she is extremely depressed at the moment – to the extent that she is lying in bed sleeping most of the day. I am worrying about her eating (bearing in mind her previous anorexia episode when she was 15) – she is eating, but not a lot. She saw a doctor the other day and was given a prescription for anti-depressants, but is reluctant to take them. She spoke about her excess hair again, but the doctor virtually said there is nothing that could be done on the NHS, even if she was found to have polycystic ovary syndrome (and the tests she had before failed to find this). The doctor commented, when writing out the usual cure-it-all drug prescription, that the only way anybody can get to see an actual psychiatrist is if they are literally hanging off a bridge ready to jump. So, no psychiatrist and no help for the hair problem (even though the latter is causing severe mental problems for our daughter and affecting here relationships and her confidence severely). That, folk, is the wonderful NHS system we have here in the UK……………

As if husband, son and daughter problems were not enough to keep me going, the dog is joining in now! Our beloved Sandy, despite being given a maximum of 6 months to live at the beginning of last July, has been absolutely amazing during that time and seemed to be getting better rather than deteriorating as expected. He enjoyed Christmas with us so much (especially the food) and was full of life. In the recent snow, he enjoyed frolicking in the park and even took a fancy to a young female dog – so much so that the other dog’s owner just could not believe it when she heard that he was an old dog (he had his 14th birthday in December). Then, last Sunday he had what we think was a stroke and is not very good at all. If there was ever going to be a right time for Sandy to go downhill, this sure as hell aint it! Our daughter is going to be so devastated…… (not to mention yours truly; I do love that dog so very, very much!).

So, that’s Seeker’s life at the moment, guys. It is hard to find the positives in it at all – although, of course, when you hear of disasters such as the recent earthquake in Haiti you do realise that, even with the worst possible things happening here, we still have it comparatively easy. I have to admit I am not in good spirits though – in fact, I have to say that my spirits at the moment are bloody awful – lol – and I really wonder how on earth I will survive! My own health has not been wonderful just lately and I really do not feel I have much strength left to go on. To make matters worse, I managed to upset (I think irrevocably) someone who was probably the closest to a friend that I have, really through a series of misunderstandings and bad luck. She started it by getting the knock with me when I had really not done anything – but I then, stupidly, over-reacted instead of just waiting for her to get over it. That has upset me so much, especially coming as it does with all the other problems………

By the way, I forgot to send a happy new year message to my faithful 3 or 4 readers as the year changed from 2009 to 2010. Let’s hope we all manage, somehow or other, to have a good one……..