Category Archives: Exercise


I am just back from the doctor’s. I have a terrible cough. I would have sworn that I have a chest infection, but the doctor says my chest sounds clear.

I have a bad eye too, which has not responded to the ointment I still had from a previous red-eyed episode! The ointment has always cleared the problem up quickly in the past. I just got given some different drops: he didn’t even look in my eye! I am quite concerned, because the eye hurts quite a bit and feels very similar to the time 12 years ago when I had an ulcer on my eye. I started to tell him that, but he was not interested! Why, oh why don’t doctors listen more? Oh well, I will just have to wait and see if these drops help!

This has been a very bad year from a health point of view; I seem to have been ill constantly. It started last summer, when I started sneezing all the time (some mystery allergy, perhaps?) and I haven’t felt really well since. The problem with my nose (which is constantly sore and crusty inside) goes away when I use the ointment they give me, but comes back just as soon as I stop. I really think the constant presence of bugs in there (whatever they are) have made me very run down.

I have almost given up on exercise and dieting this winter; but really have to get back to it all again now. The doctor took my blood pressure this morning and, unsurprisingly, it was up! He didn’t say how high it was, but at least he didn’t tell me that I was in danger of dropping dead at any minute! I think I will just have to ignore my ailments and get back on the old treadmill at once……..

Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough…………….


I actually made it back to the gym today. It was okay, although the first time back after a break is usually alright. It’s the second and third time that really gets hard!

I am very tired now because I had to get some shopping afterwards. It was heavy and I only just managed to struggle onto the bus with it. Gym plus shopping = one very tired Seeker! I must try to work it so that I don’t have to shop afterwards, but can come straight back home.

Anyway, am pleased that I have made a start again. I really want to do this. I will do it……. None of my past failures matter now.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life……….


The music track now playing on my computer is: –

Strings That Tie To You by Jon Brion
from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Soundtrack)
