Our daughter has been very down recently. This past week, she has been up in bed a lot and we have hardly seen her. I am worried she is plunging into the depths of depression again! She was pretty cheerful at Christmas, but just before it she stopped her antidepressants suddenly without even telling her doctor. She was getting bad pains in her legs and she did some research and found that the antidepressants she was on could be causing it. The pains have stopped, but the depression is getting worse again. You just cannot win can you?

I feel so desperately impotent! This past year, it seems that all I have been able to do is sit by and watch everything disintegrate. I don’t just think that this girl needs some kind if therapy, I KNOW it…… but nobody b_____y listens to me!!!!!! (Excuse my French!).

There was one touching moment, last Friday. Son and his wife have gone to spend a week away in Glastonbury. No, not at the festival (can you imagine it: in all the rain we have been having, it would be washed away!). They are actually staying in a b&b.

Anyway, they came round to dinner the day before they left. While we were still at the table, son’s wife just spontaneously turned to our daughter and hugged her and said how much she loves her and that she feels she is like a sister to her. It was so nice and genuine, it brought a tear (or two) to my eye! She seems to really love all of us actually and to like being a part of our family (she obviously has not yet discovered what a weird family we really are!).

Laugh….. she sent me some photos yesterday, all taken on their short break. There was one of son in some caves with a helmet on. There was also another one – which we found very amusing – of him actually playing crazy golf! You would never in a trillion years have got him doing any of these activities in the past. How things have changed!

I myself have been feeling very low recently. I have been pretty grumpy with my husband – which I really don’t want to be. My emotions are all over the place though. I honestly don’t understand myself at all right now…..

I had a really lovely day on Tuesday though. I went to my ‘tea and chat’ group in the morning (I call it my ‘old fogies group!). I like the people,  but sometimes it can be a bit boring. The previous time we actually played bingo! Me – a cool old dude who loves computers and Coldplay – actually playing bingo? I ask you! 😉

This week though, we had a quiz – and it was really good, quite hard. I was paired with a really sweet old lady who is nearly blind, so I had to read everything to her. We actually somehow managed to win the quiz though! A good morning.

After that, I went round the house of the lady who goes to the singing group and had a bit of lunch with her. I met her husband – a grand old Irish fella who was telling me that he was brought up on a farm in Donegal. We then went to the singing group which is always enjoyable. Afterwards, it really felt as if I had had a long – and very enjoyable – day out!

I am in sooh much need of many more days like that……

3 thoughts on “A NICE MOMENT!

  1. Antonia

    sorry to hear about your daughter, it does sound like she might benefit from counselling sessions or something.
    glad to hear you had a nice day with your friends.
    God bless


  2. anothercoffeetogo

    I’m sorry to hear that your daughter isn’t doing well, she really needs to get her medication changed to one without those side effects, Just a thought, could you try speaking to the doctor’s surgery on your daughter’s behalf?
    I’m pleased you have found some enjoyable time for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of bingo by the way. I sometimes go to the prize bingo in the summer months, twenty pence a board and enjoy spending a couple of pounds worth, even better if I have a little win 🙂 It’s doing the little things that make a difference.
    Take care xx


    1. holesintheskyuk Post author

      Thanks for your comment, Eileen. Talking to our doctor really never seems to help. And he won’t give her drugs without seeing her. So nothing changes…..

      She was actually a bit brighter yesterday, when she finally got up. I think it was probably because it was a lovely, sunny day. I think the recent dark, dreary weather has been getting everybody down, even those who don’t normally get depressed!

      There’s nothing wrong in playing bingo if you enjoy it. It just isn’t ‘me’! I think I get bored too easily!

      Look after yourself xx



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