That title would be an excellent description of me at the moment!

Son left his flat and moved back home. Or rather, my husband moved him home, just a few weeks after helping him move him out of his flat and into the room with his (ex?) friends. It sounds as if it was manic in that house! For one think, there were no locks either on his bedroom door or the bathroom door – so the horrendously hyper-active little toddler used to not only go into his bedroom, but barge in when he was having a bath and ask to see his private parts! Not only that, but the married couple argued non-stop and one morning at 5 a.m. the woman barged into son’s bedroom in the middle of one such argument. Poor son was incredibly tired and pleaded with her to go away, but she wouldn’t – so he just stayed in bed and tried to sleep anyway! Then husband came and found her and (unsurprisingly) wanted to know what she was doing there – complete with bottle of rum, or something similar, in his hand. He then chucked the said bottle of liquor, so that it went all over son’s room! I don’t know why son stayed there even as long as he did…… he said that the bed was not even comfortable, as there was an enormous dip in the middle of it! 🙂

So he is home now….. and off work with stress. He has spent much of the time upstairs in bed, sleeping. Then, on Saturday evening, his girlfriend got a bus to near where we live. They were going for a meal at a pub just 5 mins away that does very cheap carvery meals. Next thing we knew, I had a text to say they were at the hospital as girlfriend had passed out – just as son was at the bar ordering their meals – and had banged her head. She stayed here that night, up in son’s bed while he slept on sofa. She had recovered by the next day – but the trouble is, she has no real home of her own and sleeps on friends’ floors. She was recently turned out of one friend’s flat, possibly because of the jealous girl our son lived with causing trouble for her. She has no job and no money. However, she apparently owns a flat back in Hungary which was previously let out, although the tenants did a bunk while owing rent. Bills are still mounting up, because she cannot afford the fare back to sort it out. She apparently cannot get benefits here, because she told the authorities that she owns a flat in Hungary – so it is a bit of a catch-22 situation. She has no job, no money – but a flat back home that is accumulating debts! She isn’t eating properly, so no wonder she passed out.

Last night was a very bad night! She once again caught the bus over here and went for a drink with our son. Then we got a text from him to say that she had nowhere to stay, so could she stay here. When they arrived, hubby met them in the hall and started saying that they had to get something sorted out for her. My hubby – bless him – is not always exactly Mr Tactful himself and should have at least waited for a while before tackling them. Having said that, he never said anything terrible. Anyway, the girl (who we had only met twice before) immediately went storming out the front door, with son hot on her heels! Son said she was worried about staying here anyway, so I guess it didn’t take much to make her leave. It was horrible, as we do not want her to be wandering the streets with nowhere to stay. We hardly know the girl, but she seems nice enough. She is certainly not stupid, although emotionally I think she is not good. She has had bad things happen in her past life……. and being homeless, not knowing where you will sleep each night, must be terrible. Luckily, they did find somewhere to stay last night………….. but I was very stressed and upset about it. We do not want any harm to come to her, but I do not think any of us relishes the idea of a girl we barely know (and who has only known our son for a very short time) living here permanently. Why is it that my children always seem to attract trouble?!!!!

On a brighter note, our daughter took a practical test yesterday – as part of her course to become a personal trainer – and passed (despite being incredibly, amazingly, enormously nervous!). She also heard that she passed two written tests too. Some way to go yet though!


  1. Eileen

    Hi Seeker,

    No wonder you are feeling stressed, I really feel for you.

    From your last few posts it sounds as though it was only a matter of time before your son left his flat. It's only natural that he would move back home… but don't feel pressured into having his new girlfriend in your home if it's not what you want.

    Is this the girlfriend who was trying to persuade your son to give up his job to go travelling?
    He needs to sort things out with her. Best thing to do was for him to take some time off work to sort it out. Hopefully he can do it without upsetting you and your husband too much.

    I'm so pleased your daughter is doing well on her new course. She deserves success. I'm sure you are very proud of her.

    Take care now and don't worry too much. Please don't make yourself ill.
    Love from Eileen xx


  2. Seeker

    Thanks for your comment, Eileen. It was stupid of them both to storm out like that. Yes, very proud of daughter….. she has another exam on Friday though! xx



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